What to put it on? Try everything. Slather it on grilled chicken or put a dollop on a bit of creamy brie or a hard cheddar. It's a perfect combo of sweet, savory, and spicy.

1 qt diced peaches
1 cup brown sugar
4 cups white sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
5 Habanero peppers, seeded and veins removed
2 Tablespoons finely diced fresh basil
4 Tablespoons fruit pectin (roughly half a pack of liquid pectin)
Brandy or whiskey (optional)
Combine peaches, sugar, lemon in a pot. Start warming on medium heat, making sure sugar thoroughly dissolves. Finely dice the habaneros and basil and stir to add. Add pectin and a splash of brandy or whiskey (approximately a half a shot). Cook for 5 minutes.
To process, add to sterilized jars leaving 1/4" headspace and boil for 10 minutes in a hot water canner.